Release Notes: "Nothing, Forever" Season 2

Recently, we launched Season 2 of "Nothing, Forever". We've made significant changes to the show, including changes to the aesthetic, as well as the technology backbone.

Release Notes: "Nothing, Forever" Season 2

Recently, we launched Season 2 of "Nothing, Forever". We've made significant changes to the show, including changes to the aesthetic, as well as the technology backbone.

On the client (the forward-facing show), we've:

  • Added a new content type, "blog post".
  • Added a new set, "restaurant".
  • Updated the old character assets with new character assets.
  • Updated the old apartment sets with two new apartment sets.
  • Updated transition music between scenes.
  • Updated the "Nothing, Forever" logo.
  • ... other things.

Behind the scenes, we've:

  • Switched our OpenAI model to use GPT 3.5 aka ChatGPT. We've been working to maintain a consistent style between Season 1 and Season 2, but with this significant model change, there are many variations in content. The decision to move to GPT 3.5 allows us significantly greater flexibility in the prompts we can create, as well as consistency in dialogue in a scene (you may have noticed the scenes are more cogent now, as a result). We are working to dial this in.
  • Added content moderation and an audit view; so far, using the GPT 3.0 and GPT 3.5 models, we've had no content flagged.

We have additional changes in the works that we'll be releasing soon.


Skyler & the Mismatch Media team.